Merge Mail| CSV and PDF document Merge

Online Mailing Frequently Asked Questions

Mail Merge Feature for Generic Mailing

You can upload a single CSV file with all the mailing addresses of the client list that you want to mail to.

We recommend having a single PDF for your mailing, and if you need to add a flyer, in the Review Job section you can upload the flyer.
It is very simple, it just must contain a line for each address with the Company Name (optional), Contact Name, Street Address, "City State Zip code".
Yes, on the CVS Upload page, go to the Helpful Hints and scroll down to the Download Samples section. In that section you can download the CSV sample and even a PDF sample, in case you need it. CSV-format-sample
Yes. It requires having a minimum of 250 envelopes in your mailing to be able to select standard mail. They must all be domestic addresses, no foreign addresses. Otherwise, documents will be sent as first-class mail.